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Cookie Decorating for a Cause in Charlottesville

Earlier this year, Diana of Cookies by Lita contacted us, asking if she could teach a cookie decorating class as a fundraiser for LilyPads Housing. We, of course, were humbled by her generosity and were thrilled to be included in such a fun offering! Since we don't have an office, we were initially unsure about where to host the class, but, once again, we were blessed by the generosity of our community when the Art Bar of Charlottesville offered their space to us! And so became the awesome fundraiser of cookie decorating for a cause!

Trays of undecorated sugar cookies with bags of icings

Diana, who is a gifted elementary teacher in addition to being an incredible cookier, designed the cookie decorating class to be suited for children and adults alike. She provided all participants with a tray of incredibly adorable homemade cookies, designed specifically with LilyPads Housing in mind. There were icings in LPH colors and specialty cookie decorating tools for everyone. Diana masterfully instructed participants in various techniques for using the icing before walking them through the actual designs. Everyone went home with a box of precious looking cookies and a goodie bag with supplies for extra practicing.

We were even surprised with a special visit from NBC29. Our inspiration, Lily, was particularly ecstatic about their visit and had a great time being interviewed for a news segment. The story ran later that evening.

The workshop was loads of fun and no-stress! And the cookies received rave reviews for their taste as well!

One participant shared:

"Diana is such an amazing teacher! I was worried that the eight year old might struggle, but you can tell Diana is an elementary school teacher too. She made the learning so fun and broke the steps up in a way that was easy-to-follow and clear. The kids in the class were so engaged! She really went above and beyond — take home goody bags with practice piping sheets, extra icing and cookies, edible markers and other icing tools."

We are incredibly grateful for Diana's kind heart and generosity, for the Art Bar for opening their studio to us, and for all the participants who came to decorate cookies for a cause.

Participants of the cookie decorating fundraiser for LilyPads Housing, held at the Art Bar in Charlottesville, VA


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